Sunday, December 14, 2014

Whoa, Mama!

After. Kirsten is excited, I'm unwell.

Long Skate

Swedetown, 37F, misty, little wind.  Yesterday's wax.  The new skis need a few waxings.
The snow was wet and a bit slow. The trail would sink down on the outsides. Naturally, just where one would push off.

Due to the slow snow, we decided to only do one 'Bear,' Mama Bear loop.  I stopped about six times to sip water, catch my breath, and later to avoid making a chunky puddle.

8.07k in 58:46, average pace of 7:16/k.

Here's a map:

After lunch, it was off to the barn.  Shootim was more settled down from yesterday.  We lunged (same as yesterday,) Drove (much improved) and then rode!  Jack and Susan coached us.  Jack kept both of us busy; turn, yield, change flexion, turn yield stop, spin, trot, turn, yield, circle, stop back one step, spin, trot...  By the end Shootim had forgotten about paying attention to anything else and I was the one sweating and ready to stop.  

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