Saturday, August 20, 2011

MotionX-GPS Track: Kirsten's Posse


Charles White uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Aug 20, 2011 7:06 am, 62F, NW4, 99%. The Saturday a.m. shop ride. We got going South of Blanchard Road and lost the main group. After waiting at Monroe, we went back to Blanchard, then on to the town of Shepherd. Since the ice cream store was not open yet, so we returned home. Fun.

Name:Kirsten's Posse
Date:Aug 20, 2011 7:06 am
(valid until Feb 16, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:59.7 kilometers
Elapsed Time:2:13:24
Avg Speed:26.8 km/h
Max Speed:41.9 km/h
Avg Pace:02' 14" per km
Min Altitude:230 m
Max Altitude:269 m
Start Time:2011-08-20T11:06:50Z
Start Location: 
 Meter Square ID:FP
End Location: 
 Meter Square ID:FP


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Kirstens Posse.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Kirstens Posse.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2011 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

ver: MotionXGPSFull 16.4 Build 4029R; ref-id: d3b40db1ca4037787ce7b7cafafa6332

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4 x 5k : 4min

Kirsten's warmup.

Today was long intervals, 4 repeats of 5 km on, 5 minutes off.  We were supposed to hold pace to within 3 - 5 seconds for each interval.  I think I was consistent, but changes in terrain and stop signs made that difficult.

Riding out to the country and back plus the intervals, we did about 27 miles. Lots of happy-making riding!

SpeedCoach Mobile data for practice on 8/16/11 at 5:07 PM. 

Total distance: 21964 m 
Boat: Bike 
Athletes: Kirsten White, Charles White 
Description: 79F, WNW5, 44%, CFE long int. 4 x 5k : 5' rest. 
Interval #
Avg Pace (/500m)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

5' on : 4' off

Hat hair.

Once we found where to ride, we did intervals of 5 minutes on : 4 minutes off.  It was fun.

SpeedCoach Mobile data for practice on 8/11/11 at 5:10 PM.

Total distance: 11638 m
Boat: Bike
Athletes: Kirsten White
Description: 5' on : 4' off. Lansing, 81F, W12,40%, 

Distance (m)
Avg Pace (/500m)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A long, leisurely bike ride.

My phone didn't work, do today's post is courtesy of Kirsten. 

The third in our little group, Gary, gave us these sentences to puzzle over:

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!  Or, oysters oysters eat, eat!

Begin.  forwarded message:

Date: August 6, 2011 6:06:31 PM EDT
Subject: MotionX-GPS Track: Track 063.  Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!  Or, oysters oysters eat, eat!


Kirsten uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Aug 6, 2011 8:00 am. Where we've been:

Name:Track 063. Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo! Or, oysters oysters eat, eat!
Date:Aug 6, 2011 8:00 am
(valid until Feb 2, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:39.7 miles
Elapsed Time:2:57:44
Avg Speed:13.4 mph
Max Speed:23.6 mph
Avg Pace:04' 29" per mile
Min Altitude:766 ft
Max Altitude:997 ft
Start Time:2011-08-06T12:00:44Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude: 43.607142º N
 Longitude: 84.757431º W
End Location: 
 Latitude: 43.607274º N
 Longitude: 84.757154º W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Track 063 Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Or oysters oysters eat eat.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Track 063 Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Or oysters oysters eat eat.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2011 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

ver: MotionXGPSFull 16.3 Build 4027R; ref-id: 67a0fd198310d5c791205c2e621dcb01

Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 x 2k bike

Us after at the house.

4 x 2k bike, hold times to within 3 - 5 seconds of each other.

SpeedCoach Mobile data for practice on 8/3/11 at 4:09 PM:

Total distance: 8905 m
Boat: Bike
Athletes: Charles White, Kirsten White
Description: Lansing, Stoll Road from Dewitt Street to Shamrock Street, traffic medium. 80F, humid, crosswind about 10.  Went with Kirsten.  

Avg Pace (/500m)

1 & 3 West, 2 & 4 East.
West, 4 seconds difference.
East, 6 seconds difference.
