Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day After And The Horses

Kirsten gets to ride Sarah

So, how do I feel the day after?  Pretty good.  Sleep was ok.  Overall, I'm tired for doing any heavy work. And the front outside corners of my hips are a little sore.  That's about it.


Not much to do today and it still seemed busy.  We did get down to the barn, where in lieu of a recovery workout, we moved heavy bags and wheelbarrows.  To see the recovery workout we should have done, go to

Not a day too soon, the temperature rose above freezing.  Nicely, the footing is once again usable.  Not so nice, ice and snow falling off the barn spooks the horses.  Shootim had enough sudden starts while lunging that I decided to drive him and not ride.  Kirsten did get a nice ride in.

We'll take it a bit easy this week, maybe a gym workout in or a ski just for fun on Sunday.  I'll let you know what we get up to.

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