Saturday, June 23, 2012

Let that be a lesson to you!

Happy anniversary from my sweetie!

60F, W0-7.

Dennis coached me on the water today. We went through three drills. Dennis wanted me to write them down along with thoughts and questions. I hope he doesn't mind that I did it in my blog! Valuable trade secrets here!

1. Sitting at release with blades feathered, lift and drop oars together.
Work balance and weighting/ unweighting oars.

2. Spin drill. Sit at release, arms away. Square both blades. Row a complete circle with one oar. Repeat on the other side. Works balance and blade work. Apparently I was supposed to go fast. Staying upright kind of took priority, though.

3. Pause at arms away. Make sure the handles go out as fast as they come in. This was to keep the hands moving. I'm stopping at the release.

4. Back it down drill. Stop the boat. Arms away, forward lean, 1/4 slide. Square the oars drop and them in. Push the oars away toward the stern, then stop. As you feel the pressure build up against the blades, pull a stroke, ending at release with arms away. This is the feeling you should get at the beginning of each stroke. Works that and was also useful to flatten out my stroke. I was lifting into the stroke. Concentrating on only pushing with the legs fixed it.

Things to change:
-More layback at the release.
-Roll-up and feather with fingers more than wrists. I wonder how to handle thumb position as the handle moves forward and backward in my hand.
-Think of oars in and out of the water like weight in the hands.
- keep the handle moving. All well. And good until something goes wrong!

There's my workout plan for this week! Big thanks to Deb and Dennis for helping out.

(This message from my iPhone.)

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