Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jaws And The Ranger

I slept in for a bit, then thought with weather like this I better get out and row.  When I got to the dock, the fog was so thick on the canal that you could not see to the other side.  I planned to take out Jaws and just stay in the inlet.  By the time I was on the water, the fog was lifting already so I rowed around the bowl again.  There is much to learn.  I concentrated on staying erect at the catch, keeping some slight downward pressure on the oar handles on the drive to keep them from digging in. Oh, and not falling in.

I'm very glad I decided not to head down the canal to the bridge.  I was halfway across on my turnaround, when what to my wondering eyes should appear?  The Ranger III headed my way!  I got well out of the way and they were chugging smoothly along, but man!  That was a big wake!  If I had been in the narrow canal, that might have gotten dicey.

I'm glad that I could handle it.  Right now I'm scared/confident; staying very aware and rowing cautiously. It will take some getting used to.

I'll keep you posted.


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