Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby's first Fran...

The way to rate any Crossfitter is to ask what their Fran time is.  It's the most well-known of the benchmark workouts.

Ours were scaled both in weight and reps.  Here's the data:

CW time: 7:21

Thrusters scaled weight and reps. 

Pullups w/green band. 

KW time: 10:01 

Subbed 35# push presses followed by air squats, scaled reps. 

Pullups full on (go, grrrrrrrl!) PR alert: KW got 10 kipping pullups in a row! 

Worked on double-unders. CW goals: pullups - improve power to weight ratio; move down to blue band. Double unders -single-double-single, consecutive doubles. 

KW goals:1st muscle-up, 20 consecutive kipping pullups.



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