Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rowing, Sad day for the old gym, Dan's onramp 5

We rowed this morning because:
1. End of ski season.
2. Time to get it together for rowing season.
3. Concept 2 Global rowing challenge. Our local fitness center has been among the world's top for several years, winning twice.

KW 3400m
CW 8000m (I rowed twice)

The sad part is that the owner of the building where the fitness center is has decided to close it down. Perhaps he has a more lucrative offer for the place. Him being an elected official, I'm guessing that it will cost him more than a few votes. What happens to the facility, a nice gym in the traditional sense, including a great boathouse for indoor rowing and a spinning room. What happens next is very up in the air. The fitness manager is a bulwark of the fitness community and a very determined woman. Very sad, that facility serves about 400 members.

On to Dan's workout.
An intro to rowing. Dan already has some experience. 1017m.
Shoulder mobility.
Getting weights in and out of the rack.
Knees to elbows.

WOD 3 rounds for time:
60 jumprope singles
10 push presses 35# bar.

Dan's time: 5:48

Stretching after.

He's doing well.

All for now,



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