Tuesday, July 31, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: Peachy Ride. Cidery, Too.


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 31, 2012 5:02 pm, 74F, NW5. We were going to stop in Dewitt for ice cream. Found the farmers' market and had peaches and cider instead. Yum!

Name:Peachy Ride. Cidery, Too.
Date:Jul 31, 2012 5:02 pm
(valid until Jan 27, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:19.4 miles
Elapsed Time:1:19:21
Avg Speed:14.7 mph
Max Speed:23.7 mph
Avg Pace: 4' 05" per mile
Min Altitude:658 ft
Max Altitude:910 ft
Start Time:2012-07-31T21:02:51Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:42º 47' 18" N
 Longitude:84º 33' 29" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:42º 47' 19" N
 Longitude:84º 33' 29" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Peachy Ride Cidery Too .kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Peachy Ride Cidery Too .kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: Last Summer MTB


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 28, 2012 12:07 pm, 78F. Swedetown with Kirsten and Jeff. Fun.

Name:Last Summer MTB
Date:Jul 28, 2012 12:07 pm
(valid until Jan 24, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:10.3 miles
Elapsed Time:1:39:50
Avg Speed:6.2 mph
Max Speed:12.2 mph
Avg Pace: 9' 41" per mile
Min Altitude:1,071 ft
Max Altitude:1,249 ft
Start Time:2012-07-28T16:07:29Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 14' 19" N
 Longitude:88º 27' 54" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 14' 19" N
 Longitude:88º 27' 54" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Last Summer MTB.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Last Summer MTB.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: Swedetown Sweetie


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 23, 2012 3:59 pm, about 80F. Lots of fun on the Swedetown trails with Kirsten and Jeff. These are my favorite trails anywhere.

Name:Swedetown Sweetie
Date:Jul 23, 2012 3:59 pm
(valid until Jan 19, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:11.8 miles
Elapsed Time:1:35:38
Avg Speed:7.4 mph
Max Speed:19.2 mph
Avg Pace: 8' 07" per mile
Min Altitude:1,055 ft
Max Altitude:1,381 ft
Start Time:2012-07-23T19:59:19Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 14' 19" N
 Longitude:88º 27' 55" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 14' 19" N
 Longitude:88º 27' 54" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Swedetown Sweetie.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Swedetown Sweetie.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: Churning Rapids


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 22, 2012 2:35 pm. Kirsten's home and that means mountain biking!

Name:Churning Rapids
Date:Jul 22, 2012 2:35 pm
(valid until Jan 18, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:4.99 miles
Elapsed Time:40:36.4
Avg Speed:7.4 mph
Max Speed:16.1 mph
Avg Pace: 8' 08" per mile
Min Altitude:690 ft
Max Altitude:1,007 ft
Start Time:2012-07-22T18:35:46Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 10' 50" N
 Longitude:88º 36' 49" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 10' 49" N
 Longitude:88º 36' 48" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Churning Rapids.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Churning Rapids.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Trolls, I Tell You, Trolls!

Kirsten is up for the week, hooray!

73F, SSW5.
Thanks to Deb and Dennis for letting Kirsten borrow the single.  After Friday's confidence-boosting row, we took a longer trip this time - all the way under the bridge and back!  I know that's not huge, but it's the farthest I've gone in a racing shell so far.  It was a great to o.k. water.  in the bridge straight an east wind kicked up some chop.  It made for a good test of my technique.  Once back in the bowl, things settled down nicely, finishing with flat water.

My technique was quite variable; moments of smooth motion, long periods of floundering.  The sucky parts weren't as bad and some of the nice bits were really nice.  I even did a few short faster pieces.  Overall, I'm satisfied with my progress so far.  This was a much longer row than before.

Things to work on.  The list is long. First is grip and flat wrists on the recovery.  Then a smooth and well-timed square, catch and drive sequence. After that a release that pops the blades out easily - I felt that the harder pulling to get the oars out of the water was probably stopping the boat. These next things  made eveything else worse when I tried to add them. Chest up, coming fully into the catch, head up at the catch.  I feel like I'm looking at the stern of the boat at the catch.  Maybe that's my head and neck in alignment with my spine.  My thoracic spine is a bit rounded - I'm working on it! Anyway, to do any of these things added tension to my body, which made me unstable in the boat.

Kirsten, of course, looked gorgeous.  She does have about three years on me with racing boats.

Here's the data:

Interval Start
6:46 AM
1:04 AM
Distance (m)
Avg Speed (m/s)
Avg Pace (/500m)
Avg SR
Max SR

Friday, July 20, 2012

Looking Up

Happy Charles

60F, light and variable winds.
I took a short trip around the 'bowl' this morning.  Drills first, then sequences of 30 strokes. Things came together nicely today.  A flatter wrist on the feather, carrying some weight in the handles, good square, catch and drive timing.  Mistakes were much less frequent and less severe.  After the turn for home, I felt confident enough to pick up the pace, running 22 spm with around a 2:57/500 pace.

I know that I must continue with drills and slow patient work, but I feel ready for a long steady state piece.  Sort of a chance to test out the new skills. Saturday's weather looks dicey, may Sunday will be better.

Here's the data:

Interval Start
6:54 AM
10:21 PM
Distance (m)
Avg Speed (m/s)
Avg Pace (/500m)
Avg SR
Max SR

Sunday, July 15, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: Bike to work day!


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 15, 2012 11:01 am. Calm, 79F, 72%. Tuned for the Pine Mountain Music Festival this morning after rowing. Mostly downhill on the way there, so I put minimal tools in a backpack and rode my bike down. Had to climb back gone, though. This gps recording is rhe trip back home. No problem. With all of our hills I don't think the bike would be appropriate. I'd end up dripping sweat all over my client's pianos! Too bad.

Name:Bike to work day!
Date:Jul 15, 2012 11:01 am
(valid until Jan 11, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:2.30 miles
Elapsed Time:13:44.9
Avg Speed:10.1 mph
Max Speed:21.8 mph
Avg Pace: 5' 58" per mile
Min Altitude:654 ft
Max Altitude:1,017 ft
Start Time:2012-07-15T15:01:11Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 07' 04" N
 Longitude:88º 32' 31" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 06' 48" N
 Longitude:88º 34' 06" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Bike to work day.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Bike to work day.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Rowing Again, Finally!

Kirsten got out her road bike for a trip to Sleepy Hollow State Park.  Meanwhile, in Houghton...

I've been lazy and reluctant to get up in the morning all week.  6am, no problem, but 5am? Not so good.  I've missed an entire week with some really great conditions.  I apologize to my goals.

I finally got out rowing this morning.  It's getting a little dark to bike out at 5:30am without lights to be seen, so I took the truck.

Great conditions, getting a little breezy midway through, but not too bad.  I'm working on getting my grip squared and feathered with flat wrists.  And everything else.  I did the drills, then I did the whole trip in intervals of 20 strokes, pausing to regroup.  It seemed to help.

Here's the data:

Interval Start
6:46 AM
Distance (m)
Avg Speed (m/s)
Avg Pace (/500m)
Avg SR
Max SR

Saturday, July 7, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: One More MTB Ride, So There!


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 7, 2012 9:24 am, 67F. We fit in a quick ride at MTU; down the Outer Limits and up the Twilight Zone trails.

Name:One More MTB Ride, So There!
Date:Jul 7, 2012 9:24 am
(valid until Jan 3, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:4.69 miles
Elapsed Time:40:06.2
Avg Speed:7.0 mph
Max Speed:26.9 mph
Avg Pace: 8' 32" per mile
Min Altitude:716 ft
Max Altitude:1,011 ft
Start Time:2012-07-07T13:24:06Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 06' 47" N
 Longitude:88º 34' 06" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 06' 47" N
 Longitude:88º 34' 06" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "One More MTB Ride So There.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "One More MTB Ride So There.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: You Are Here.


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 6, 2012 9:45 am, 81F. We tried out the Pilgrim River Watershed trail. Holy climbers, Batman! A great workout for a racer. Ups and downs and all arounds. We had to walk some steep pitches. Way back in the woods by the river, the trail ends, poof! Just like that. So back we went. We walked even more up hills. Challenging with downhills a bit too dicey to let the bike run. With disc brakes and an ego that knows when it's time to get off and walk, this trail provides some beautiful woods with an intense workout. Afterwords we rode the Pilgrim trails backwards on the way home. I mowed the lawn, Kirsten made the lunch. Now to post this, get cleaned up. Then it's naptime!

Name:You Are Here.
Date:Jul 6, 2012 9:45 am
(valid until Jan 2, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:13.1 miles
Elapsed Time:1:55:51
Avg Speed:6.8 mph
Max Speed:34.0 mph
Avg Pace: 8' 51" per mile
Min Altitude:586 ft
Max Altitude:1,115 ft
Start Time:2012-07-06T13:45:35Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 06' 47" N
 Longitude:88º 34' 06" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 06' 47" N
 Longitude:88º 34' 06" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "You Are Here.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "You Are Here.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Double Time

We arrived 7:00 a.m. at the dock expecting the rest of the PLRC to be using the single that Kirsten borrowed, so we got out our double.  No one else showed up, but it was a good thing we had the double because as soon as we got out in the canal, the wind picked up, maybe 7mph.  The double has no problem with this.  Near the end we did a very short fast piece - man, that was a blast!

Here's the data:

Interval Start
7:30 AM
Distance (m)
Avg Speed (m/s)
Avg Pace (/500m)
Avg SR
Max SR

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MotionX-GPS Track: Nymph Of The Woods


Charles uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Jul 3, 2012 3:23 pm 85F. I discovered this wood nymph leaning against a rock. The shutter sound my phone makes startled her and she took off. I jumped on my bike and followed her. Fortunately for me she stuck to the trails. At first I thought she was frightened, until she turned back to me and smiled. Eventually I caught up to her. She smiled, grabbed a sip from my water bottle, then let me lead for a while. We flew down the trails. Eventually I found myself back at the truck. I looked around and discovered that I was again alone. I sighed, put up my bike and got back in the truck. Imagine my surprise to find the wood nymph on the passenger seat smiling at me! As I headed for home I wondered if my mom will let me keep her.

Name:Nymph Of The Woods
Date:Jul 3, 2012 3:23 pm
(valid until Dec 30, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:5.36 miles
Elapsed Time:1:05:03
Avg Speed:4.9 mph
Max Speed:8.8 mph
Avg Pace:12' 08" per mile
Min Altitude:1,155 ft
Max Altitude:1,381 ft
Start Time:2012-07-03T19:23:34Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:47º 14' 30" N
 Longitude:88º 28' 28" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:47º 14' 19" N
 Longitude:88º 27' 55" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "Nymph Of The Woods.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "Nymph Of The Woods.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Home At Last: guest post with Kirsten White

I've been waiting for this...

Deb and Dennis loaned me a single, and off went Charles and I around the bowl.  Super great time on glass-calm water!  We started with prescribed drills, then took a tour on the canal.  Thanks Deb and Dennis!  What a great start to the week!

Charles' data:
Workout #Workout NameInterval #Interval TypeInterval StartTimeDistance (m)StrokesAvg Speed (m/s)Avg Pace (/500m)Avg SRMax SRAvg HRMax HR
1Just Go1Just Go6:48:36 AM30:2035114081.944:17.513.529.300
(This message from Charles' iPhone.)