Saturday, September 5, 2015

Baby's New Shoes

North Face Fastpack Hedgehog GTX, ooh.


After a bit of a workout.

WOD "Lordy Lordy Look Who's 40"

  • 400m run
  • 40 wallballs
  • 400m run
  • 40' handstand walk
  • 400m run
  • 40 box jumps
  • 400m run
  • 40 GHD sit-ups
  • 400m run
  • 40 KB swings

I don't remember the time, probably about 15'. I turned everything into 15s, with 150m rows. 12# wall ball, 65# press sub, 20" box, abmat sit-ups, medium KB.


Trying out the new shoes.


3.3 miles at Nara trails.
We had a reception gig last night, so with cash burning a hole in my wallet, we headed to the store to get the shoes we tried out last week.  After deciding on whether or not to get Superfeet insoles (we decided against it for now,) we went out for a test hike.

I like the Nara trails.  Kirsten chose some single track that gave varying terrain; up, down, sideways, roots, though no rocks.  Nice fit, nice traction, nice shoes.  They followed my heels very well, so no blisters.  On sideways camber, my mid foot can slide sideways in the shoe a bit.  Perhaps that's what is missing compared to  the burlier hike model.  I stood in a stream and no water came in, so yay for the Goretex.  They seemed to cushion my feet well.  My feet were sore to begin with (especially my heels,) and though they did end up tired, I don't think the heels were any worse.  All in all, a good choice for my first hiking shoes.

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