Sunday, September 30, 2012

CFE W1.1

For one of my sports, I'm getting my running up again. Since technique is king, I'm going back to my 6 weeks of CFE homework. If you want to find it, look for the blog "Unscared."

2 rounds of:
4x 30 " at 95bm
1x 2' at 91bpm

For good measure, I did EMOM for 10 of strict pull-ups. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1=10. Yay! Next time, 2.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

They Made Me Do It!

Not me.  Gold medal winner Mahe Drysdale.  Inspiring, no?

I was inspired to row this morning.  I've been up late, so after sleeping in I figured that rowing was out. Then Kirsten calls (my wake-up this morning.)  She's on her way up for a long weekend.  She said that I should go out and row.  Yeah, right.  Then I checked Facebook.  Friend Sarah had a picture from earlier this morning of flat water, perfect for rowing.  Between the two of them, I figured it was a sign.

Butt out of bed, down to the docks.  Drills and a tour around by the Coast Guard station.  Kind of rusty,  but about where I left off.  I did mostly 20 stroke pieces, giving myself many opportunites to reset my technique.  The water was not perfect, but quite good.

The data.  I don't quite get the stroke rate data.  Every time I checked I was about 18spm.  I'm sure I never got to 35.  Anyway, here it is:

Interval Start
9:36 AM
Distance (m)
Avg Speed (m/s)
Avg Pace (/500m)
Avg SR
Max SR