Saturday, April 27, 2013

CFE Week 4, #1

Kirsten at the park in Lansing. 

Run Intervals: week 4: 3x's per week 
3 Running drills: 
Stable Arm Drill 
Carioca: 3 x 10 both directions 
Forward Lunge (exaggerated foot pulls on one side) 3 x 10 each 
Wall Drill: 3 x 20 on each leg 

1x through of: 
4 x 1min 30sec repeats @ 100 cadence 
1 drill (choice) 
1 x 6 minutes @ 94 cadence 

We ran together by phone, Kirsten in Lansing and I in Houghton. Here's Kirsten's observations:

"Finally, it's t-shirt weather!  I'm realizing that this running homework is all about turnover - teaching yourself the correct, exact rhythm of footfalls over time.  Not speed, not distance, but rhythm.  Only after building endurance for this rhythm can you start to play with an increase in forward lean to increase speed.  Seems easy for about 2 minutes at this point, but after that it is real work.  The 30 second sprints were fun!  Finished up the morning with presses and pull-ups."

Ain't she something!

My pace for the 6:00 piece:

10:55 / mile

Kirsten's pace was faster, I'm sure. 

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, April 22, 2013

MotionX-GPS Track: MSU Dairy Store Run


Charles White uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone and is sharing with you the following track:

Apr 22, 2013 4:35 pm, 63F. First of the season.

Name:MSU Dairy Store Run
Date:Apr 22, 2013 4:35 pm
(valid until Oct 19, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:17.8 miles
Elapsed Time:1:22:31
Avg Speed:12.9 mph
Max Speed:27.1 mph
Avg Pace: 4' 38" per mile
Min Altitude:823 ft
Max Altitude:927 ft
Start Time:2013-04-22T20:35:13Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:42º 47' 18" N
 Longitude:84º 33' 29" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:42º 47' 19" N
 Longitude:84º 33' 29" W


MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What is MotionX-GPS?
    MotionX-GPS is the essential GPS application for outdoor enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS on your iPhone.

  2. Can I use MotionX-GPS?
    Sure! MotionX-GPS can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store.

  3. How can I display tracks in Google Earth?
    Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached "MSU Dairy Store Run.kmz" file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved "MSU Dairy Store Run.kmz" file.

  4. This email was forwarded to me. Where are the attachments?
    Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.


Please contact MotionX customer support with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2012 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

CFE Week 2 #2

Same WOD as last time. Here's the 4 minute pieces. Better, but much slower than I'd like:

10:45 / mile
9:52 / mile

Sent from my iPhone